SEO: how to start?

SEO: how to start?

Have you ever heard the word SEO? Do you know what these acronyms mean?

Perhaps in some other Internet browsing you have come across this small and even a bit of mysterious word. If you are a digital content creator or your business is present on the networks, you will surely need to discover what SEO is at some point.

Without this tool, it is unlikely that the content, product, or website that you want to make known so much will attract more consumers or users. And if you are just a consumer of content or services on the Internet, you may have wondered why some sites appear on Google more frequently than others.

We have the answers to your questions! We can help you understand this digital tool and use it to your advantage.

In this post you will learn what SEO is, what it is responsible for and why it is so important at the moment. This information is the basis of the other knowledge you need to apply SEO principles to your website. Read until the end!

What is SEO?

SEO is one of the most used and necessary tools in digital marketing. Its acronym stands for Search Engine Optimization and in practice it is nothing more than the set of actions, strategies, and techniques used to position your digital content among the first search options.

The purpose of search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, among others) is to offer the user the content they are looking for as accurately as possible.

Do you know how they achieve it? Well, search engines have algorithms that They have a function similar to that of a saleswoman in a supermarket: providing you with the information you need.

For example: if you would like to know the cheapest Airbnb in Florida, you can type this phrase into Google and extremely quickly the algorithm will provide you with a list of the most relevant Airbnb. This reality applies to each of the searches we do on the Internet.

SEO is responsible for the operation of algorithms, search engines and tools to optimize the placement of content on the Internet.

If you are a creator of digital content (whether image, text, or video), you have surely felt challenged by the immensity of information present on Google and social networks. How to stand out on these platforms and appear among the first searches? You need to know and master this digital tool.

Why is SEO important?

The importance of SEO is deeply related to the influence of the Internet on daily life. During the approximately 4 years that people were isolated due to the possibility of contracting COVID-19, using the internet became the way they could leave the house, connect with others, continue attending classes, buy groceries, and work.

In this context, SEO gained greater relevance. The number of teleworkers increased, even the businesses most reluctant to use new technologies and the online modality were forced to use them in order to become extinct. SEO helped these people survive and even gain greater relevance.

For example: in the United States alone, teleworking increased from 4% in 2019 to 54% in 2020, according to the New York Times. Furthermore, more and more people buy a product or access a service through their computer or cell phone.

In short, in a digitalized era, where teleworking and the sale and purchase of products online has increased, SEO is the most necessary tool to be competitive, excellent, and relevant.

Therefore, the teleworker with SEO knowledge has more options to find clients who hire their services. People generally start from top to bottom and start to finish when reading a list. If the list is long, it is likely that they will stop halfway. Something similar happens on Google and any other search engine.

In front of you have so many options, links and windows that you limit yourself to considering the first ones that appear. Consequently, the teleworker whose content, product, or service appears in the first position will have more views and a greater number of clients. For purchases and especially for online sales, the above is particularly true.

Mastering the SEO tool guarantees that your products reach the greatest number of people possible. When this happens, the chances of people buying your products and consuming your web content will increase significantly. The website rating will improve, and your clients will end up recommending you to other people.

This reality applies not only to websites that sell some type of product, but also to those that offer text content on the most varied topics, images, and photographs as valuable objects. In addition to videos on general topics or your own life, as is the case with YouTubers.

Remember: SEO as a digital tool helps you be relevant among the constant and multiple options that appear on the screens of Internet users.

SEO applies to everything and optimizes your presence on Google and social networks, SEO makes you known and accessible.

In the next post, we will offer you more practical and detailed information on how to use SEO principles to increase your visibility on Google. Do not miss it!